kossebau added a subscriber: ltoscano. kossebau added a comment.
In https://phabricator.kde.org/D8728#174635, @dfaure wrote: > I agree that those are really KF5 specific and developer-oriented, so rather unlikely to be e.g. sent by email to other people. Okay, so for now not looking into pushing them upstream (too bad we gave up on "turning every user into a developer" ;) ) > I'm unsure about mimetypes for special files by name, that seems too specialized. Mimetypes are for *types* of files, not for each specific file ;) > I mean, Messages.sh is a shell script, that's its type. Its specific purpose is something else, of course, but still you would use a viewer or editor for shell scripts to open it (which is the main reason for mimetypes: app associations). But isn't Messages.sh a sub-type to shell-script, as it needs to match some further requirements, as defined by scripty expectations? And while there might be no specific viewer/editor/etc as handler assigned, it still a type of its own as handled by humans (outside of scripty server). So IMHO it is helpful to also have these files displayed annotated as such in filemanagers/dialogs, ideally both by icon and type tooltip. With such annotated presentation to humans for me being another raison d’être for mimetypes :) So IMHO "Messages,sh" & Co match things already in shared-mime-info like "AUTHORS", "COPYING", "CREDITS", "LICENSE", where there also usually is no specific handler, still it is helpful when browsing files to have these special files annotated. But given @ltoscano's plan to overhaul string extraction, I currently will not invest more into the scripty-specific file types, would rather first see to find someone who could find some Qt developer to pursue https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-64435 given this is another set of modern Qt file types which are badly presented when browsing files in file managers or IDEs. Any hint who could be motivated there? REPOSITORY R244 KCoreAddons REVISION DETAIL https://phabricator.kde.org/D8728 To: kossebau, #frameworks, dfaure Cc: ltoscano, ngraham