mgallien added a comment.

  In D10694#210409 <>, @michaelh wrote:
  > @mgallien Then they won't benefit from this until a file is reindexed. 
  >  Users with baloo disabled will benefit, because in that case 
`baloo_filemetadata_temp_extractor` will extract the data on-the-fly.
  >  Reindexing just the ebooks can be done with:
  >   find ~/EBooks/ -type f -name "*.epub" | { mapfile -t; balooctl clear 
"${MAPFILE[@]}";  balooctl index "${MAPFILE[@]}"; }
  Could you also add a test for the compatibility with current unmodified code 
? I would like to be sure that we do not introduce any incompatibility.
  I am still not convinced we should change the extractors without an automatic 
solution for the reindexing case. You will have to ensure everybody can use the 
property both as a string and a stringlist forever.

  R286 KFileMetaData


To: michaelh, mgallien, dfaure
Cc: #frameworks, ashaposhnikov, michaelh, spoorun, navarromorales, isidorov, 
nicolasfella, firef, andrebarros, alexeymin, emmanuelp

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