michaelh added a comment.

  I was thinking in the same direction. When the mountpoint of a vault is 
changed (or new) a warning message about baloo's activity should be displayed. 
The message should be displayed regardless of baloo's enabled state. There's 
plenty of space for that in the dialogs.
  The user could then disable indexing with `balooctl` or via systemsettings. 
  IMO configuration of this should be done by Plasma Vault anyway. Baloo's job 
would be to provide the tools to do it. It's framework after all and should 
make as few decisions as possible.
  > Is there any DBus call to baloo to do that?
  Nope. It shouldn't be to hard add the respective commands to `org.kde.baloo 
  File a task for this if it's wanted.

  R293 Baloo


To: michaelh, #baloo, #frameworks, ngraham, #plasma
Cc: alexeymin, plasma-devel, ivan, nicolasfella, ashaposhnikov, michaelh, 
kmorwinski, spoorun, ZrenBot, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, 
sebas, apol, mart

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