dfaure added a comment.

  "the destination file gets deleted only if some data has been written into 
it" ... ah I see, that's a great solution indeed, I like it.
  About moving: if the file was fully copied, (but the source not yet deleted), 
good catch. This requires a similar solution in FileCopyJob, i.e. one layer 
below (with a similar "in progress" flag that is only true while the file copy 
is in progress, and false as soon as it's done, i.e. before the DeleteJob). I 
suggest starting with that, and then in CopyJob when killing a FileCopyJob we 
just let it do the cleanup. As you found out, CopyJob is too high-level for 
  Pausing and doing nasty things will never be safe, I don't think we need to 
worry about that.
  I think all you have to do is go one more step down the stack :-)

  R241 KIO


To: dmitrio, #frameworks, dfaure
Cc: ngraham, anthonyfieroni, meven, #frameworks, michaelh

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