gregormi added a comment.

  In D11733#235208 <>, @rkflx wrote:
  > and the bug reporter's use case of selecting a file in a web browser for 
upload essentially wants the existing [F11] preview feature and perhaps a 
better preview feature in the web application itself.
  The inline preview only gives thumbnails which are not usable when one wants 
to read text on the image (zoom to 100%). For me, the preview should take place 
before it is uploaded to the web application because I want to make sure the 
right thing is uploaded.
  > Also note that you could just drag-and-drop the file onto Dolphin, which 
should then open the default app, or onto Gwenview's launcher etc.
  Interesting. Thanks for the hint.
  > My concern is that the naming as well as the concept itself clashes with 
the regular Open button while doing something different.
  +1. If the function is added, it should be named Open with... to not be 
confused with the Open button.
  > Maybe I'll change my mind if you can come up with a very compelling use 
case which is so great it's worth living with the disadvantages. For now my 
(i.e. take this with a grain of salt) recommendation would be to not add this.
  I come from Windows where the Open item is also available. Not having it 
feels like a lack of flexibility. I think having it in the context menu will 
not affect the "normal" user.  Your proposed workaround with "Open containing 
Folder" -> Press Enter is certainly ok.

  R241 KIO


To: ngraham, #dolphin, #frameworks
Cc: gregormi, rkflx, broulik, michaelh, ngraham

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