ngraham added a comment.

  In D12077#246406 <>, @rkflx wrote:
  > Ah, small misunderstanding: I was mainly referring to not making Above 
filename (in conjunction with Short View) the overall default for the dialog. 
If Detailed (Tree) View was the default, changing the mode of Short View is 
probably fine.
  Great. I could get on board with making Detailed Tree View the default.
  In D12077#246406 <>, @rkflx wrote:
  > We could also add a third button
  I wouldn't be against that in principle, but that's much more challenging 
since icons-on-top vs icons-on-the-side is currently a setting that applies to 
Short View, not two separate views the way they are in Dolphin. Separating 
those out would be a big headache due to the way the data is stored, and 
furthermore if we separated that out into Icons View and Details View, then 
there would be five modes, unless we also removed Detailed View and Tree 
View... All in all I think that would be desirable, but I'm not sure I'm ready 
for that quite yet.
  In D12077#246406 <>, @rkflx wrote:
  > so it would work just like in Dolphin (needs removing Reload, but who is 
using that anyway, because it's not even present in Dolphin? See also D12215 
<> ;).
  ...and D12218 <>. :)
  > Regarding your examples of primarily "visual" documents: I acknowledge 
that's one of the uses cases. However, please understand that here we are 
building a generic dialog. It also has to work for save (where previews do not 
make much sense, because you are mainly selecting a directory and then typing 
the filename manually), and for all other filetypes where you'd rather have 
long names than a big icon. The unifying theme for all items is the filename, 
not the preview! IOW, your use case is only a subset of all possible cases, but 
the default choice should fit all situations. Of course your work in making it 
easier to switch is important here, too…
  Yep, that was the point. :)

  R241 KIO



To: ngraham, #frameworks, rkflx, #vdg, abetts
Cc: rkflx, mmustac, broulik, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

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