ngraham added a comment.

  In D10663#254549 <>, @dmitrio wrote:
  > Then I probably didn't understand what was proposed in the discussed bug 
report. When you start writing to the existing file the data that have been in 
the destination file before the operation become lost. If we want to be able to 
restore content of destination files after overwrite operation has started then 
we need to change the whole mechanism of file copying: we should copy source 
file to some temporary file, delete the destination file an rename temporary 
file to the destination file name.
  That's what it already does. Without your patch, canceling an overwrite is 
harmless because only the temporary file is deleted. In other words, the case 
in the bug is already handled for overwrite operations.
  The case that is NOT handled is for normal move/copy operations, where the 
destination file is not cleaned up after the job is canceled in the middle. 
Essentially, we want your patch to only delete the destination file when it's 
not an overwrite, because overwrites already clean up properly.

  R241 KIO


To: dmitrio, #frameworks, dfaure, ngraham
Cc: elvisangelaccio, ngraham, anthonyfieroni, meven, #frameworks, michaelh, 

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