adridg added a comment.

  Since the ticket is rather unclear on what functionality is being tested, or 
  - Put a CD with an ISO9660 filesystem in the drive (I used one with Debian 
from 1995 on it)
  - When device notifier pops up, pick "open with filemanager" (`*`)
  - Ensure the silesystem isn't actually busy (e.g. no shells cd'd into that 
  - Press the physical eject button on the drive
  On FreeBSD, the filesystem is unmounted and the CD is ejected. (And the 
directory  in /media where the drive was mounted is removed `**`).
  - `* `I get a "Error -- ... Client" popup with "Malformed URL" message, and 
an OK button.  No idea what is causing that or where it's from -- but I don't 
get a file manager either.
  - `**` This only works if the filesystem is mounted through the device 
notifier. Mounting it by hand (somewhere else) neither unmounts, nor ejects, 
nor removes the mount point (the last bit is good, since you must have  made 
that mount point by hand, too)

  R120 Plasma Workspace


To: broulik, #plasma, #frameworks, adridg, davidedmundson, dfaure, fvogt, ervin
Cc: mart, plasma-devel, ragreen, Pitel, ZrenBot, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, 
jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol

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