cgiboudeaux added a comment.

  In D9446#284272 <>, @habacker wrote:
  > In D9446#181785 <>, @mlaurent wrote:
  > > IT's a WIP as I use file(APPEND...) because I want to generate several 
categories in one file.
  > >  But it doesn't work as I don't have idea how to reset file when cmake is 
  > >
  > > Do you have an idea ?
  > No cmake experts on the KF5 team like it was at KDE4?
  I didn't forget this task. Just didn't have time.
  There are several issues that need fixes:
  - Installation dir for categories, /etc/xdg on linux has always been wrong. 
categories are not config files
  - Fix the issue Laurent raised

  R240 Extra CMake Modules


To: mlaurent, kfunk, lbeltrame, cgiboudeaux, dfaure, fvogt
Cc: ltoscano, kde-frameworks-devel, kde-buildsystem, habacker, michaelh, 
ngraham, bruns

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