rjvbb created this revision.
rjvbb added reviewers: ngraham, Frameworks.
Restricted Application added a project: Frameworks.
rjvbb requested review of this revision.

  A recent commit (00bce130d35e9dc398709e690a05f8dde70f52b3 
modified the KMessageWidget look and feel. While I fail to see the point to 
make them look like their Kirigami equivalent this doesn't really bother me 
  The change did introduce 1 regression IMHO: the Information type background 
colour is now hardcoded instead of being based on the highlight colour as 
before. This is also the type I encounter most (in Kate, KDevelop etc).
  The patch below reverts the colour hardcoding by obtaining the base colour 
from the current palette, as before.
  Additionally, I propose to use the current widget palette instead of the 
global application palette, as we cannot know whether or not the code calling 
us installed a custom palette for the particular widget we're working with.
  I've marked this WIP because I plan to use the occasion to investigate 
whether or not it's possible to drop some of the other hardcoded colours.
  I am also open to discussion whether it would be more appropriate to use the 
user's tooltip colour (`QPalette::ToolTipBase`) for Information messages, or to 
introduce a type-specific darkening factor for the calculation of the final 
background colour.

  Reverts the annoying blueish background of the new-style Information messages 
to a colour I picked myself.

  R236 KWidgetsAddons



To: rjvbb, ngraham, #frameworks
Cc: kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

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