ngraham added a comment.

  Thanks for your continued work on this. I continue to believe that in order 
to move forward, it needs to be broken up into separate atomic commits:
  - One to add a color parsing function to `KWidgetsAddons` so other local 
clients can use it
  - Another to adopt that functionality in `KMessageWidget`
  - A third one to add the background brightness introspection/calculation 
  - Fourth and fifth ones to adopt the brightness processing in 
`KMessageWidget` as well as in the Kirigami `inlineMessage` widget
  Why all this work? Three good reasons:
  - **Principle:** commits should be atomic.
  - **Practicality**: the first two commits are non-controversial and will 
probably be committed quickly, and then we don't have to gate them on the 
result of a discussion about the more controversial brightness matching part.
  - **Consistency**: if we change the visual style of `KMessageWidget`, we need 
to make the same change in Kirigami's `inlineMessage` or else we're missing the 
point of why the original change was made in the first place--to keep 
consistency between the two implementations. A reasonable amount of consistency 
between Kirigami and QWidgets-based Desktop apps is important to avoid 
generating the perception that Kirigami is a "mobile first" framework that just 
produces "big dumb phone apps on the desktop." We want people to 
enthusiastically adopt Kirigami for desktop apps, and that won't happen if the 
same control looks and feels needlessly different from the QWidget version.

  R236 KWidgetsAddons


To: rjvbb, ngraham, #frameworks
Cc: cfeck, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

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