dfaure added a comment.

  Well, it makes sense for this check to be at the GUI level, the user 
interaction can be better adapted then, as in this patch.
  KIO::mkpath("/home/dfaure/tmp/.") should at least not warn or error in any 
way IMHO.
  (btw mkdir of such a path, on the command line, always fails: either the tmp 
dir exists and it says "already exists", or it doesn't exist and it can't 
create the parent dir first)

  R241 KIO


To: tmarshall, #dolphin, #frameworks, ngraham, dfaure
Cc: cfeck, elvisangelaccio, dfaure, tmarshall, bruns, ngraham, 
kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, spoorun, navarromorales, isidorov, firef, 
andrebarros, emmanuelp

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