Missatge de Albert Vaca <albertv...@gmail.com> del dia dj., 16 d’ag. 2018 a
les 13:57:

> Hi everyone,
> If we want to reach more potential users, we have to make sure KDE
> apps look properly in every desktop. Take a look at how KDE apps look
> in Gnome, you will see there are lots of missing icons.
> https://imgur.com/a/nkeiryb
> It think it is important to get this fixed, as it can make people not
> use our apps.
> Note that, on the other hand, Gnome apps look good in Plasma even when
> Breeze doesn't have the icons they need. This is because they fall
> back to their own theme when an icon is not found in the system theme:
> I just tested it setting the icon theme to Breeze on Gnome, and
> deleting the "actions" directory from Breeze, they show the Gnome
> icons instead.
> Anyone has a suggestion on how to fix this?

If we can get this accepted into Qt
Which i think we could since it mimics nicely the setThemeName

We can then just add a Q_COREAPP_STARTUP_FUNCTION in KIconTheme that does

And that'd be a one place fix all solution.


> (Please CC me as I'm not subscribed to the list.)
> Albert

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