ngraham added a comment.

  In D15866#334519 <>, @ndavis wrote:
  > The emblem for the 16px version is too small to read.
  In D15866#334607 <>, @broulik wrote:
  > Did you test this with other icon sets, such as Oxygen? It may work with 
SVG ones but not pixel-based iconsets. Oxygen only has 8x8 emblems.
  It seems we have a problem, then:
  - 8x8 emblems take up 25% of a 16x16 icon's space, rendering the icon 
difficult to distinguish
  - 6x6 emblems are unreadable and/or look bad (for raster icons that get 
  In D15866#334519 <>, @ndavis wrote:
  What if instead of the emblem being on top of the icon, it was off to the 
side? Then it wouldn't matter what size the emblem is as long as it looks good 
where it is.
  You mean like this?
    [Icon] [emblem] Label

  R302 KIconThemes


To: ngraham, #frameworks, #dolphin, #vdg
Cc: broulik, ndavis, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

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