ltoscano added a comment.

  In D16395#347938 <>, @rizzitello 
  > Why does this dialog not say anything about the version of KDE.
  There is *no* version of KDE. KDE is only the community. It's clearly stated 
in that message.
  > I think here the KF5 version and maybe the Qt Version should be shown here. 
I always found it kinda odd that the "About Application" dialog contains this 
and not the About KDE dialog.
  That's the right place where they belong: information about the application 
and its dependencies.

  R263 KXmlGui


To: ngraham, #vdg, #plasma, #frameworks, #kde_applications
Cc: rizzitello, ltoscano, aspotashev, abetts, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, 
ngraham, bruns

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