ndavis accepted this revision.
ndavis added a comment.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.

  Looks right. I might prefer a wider hat brim or a mask like @filipf 
suggested, but I'm not going to make that a requirement since it seems more 
like a matter of taste.
  Here's roughly how it will look in Falkon:
  F6464527: Screenshot_20181208_145146.png 
  Here it is with a wider brim on the hat:
  F6464530: Screenshot_20181208_145156.png 

  R266 Breeze Icons


To: GB_2, #breeze, #vdg, #falkon, ngraham, ndavis
Cc: ndavis, filipf, ngraham, #vdg, kde-frameworks-devel, #breeze, alexde, 
IohannesPetros, trickyricky26, michaelh, crozbo, firef, bruns, skadinna, 
aaronhoneycutt, mbohlender

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