filipf added a comment.

  In D17906#389751 <>, @fabianr wrote:
  > You are not using the default font, are you?
  In D17906#389713 <>, @mart wrote:
  > uuh, that's the wrong color.. that's seriously weird?
  >  that's on same version how i get notifications on a dark color scheme
  >  F6537172: Screenshot_20190109_104727.png 
  This the "//Qt will use whichever light font style is present//" problem.
  F6537311: image.png <>
  It says "Light", but is actually "Hairline". On both of my machines the font 
got installed this way.
  As I said, light titlebars don't work great with Noto now either, but can 
even fall apart more with other fonts.
  - Roboto has a really thin "Light" variant:
  F6537317: image.png <>
  - DejaVu Sans only has an "ExtraLight" variant:
  F6537320: image.png <>

  R169 Kirigami

  no-light-headings (branched from master)


To: filipf, ngraham, #plasma, #vdg, #frameworks
Cc: fabianr, rooty, #frameworks, ngraham, #plasma, #vdg, abetts, mart, 
plasma-devel, dkardarakos, apol, davidedmundson, hein

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