loh.tar added a comment.

  My observations:
  - There is no hint when you activate auto spell check (yes, it's out of this 
  - Before showing the combobox by "Change Dictionary" the popup appears
  - The combobox shows then some other setting, here it was the first entry
  - When open the config dialog the new popup block the processing. So the 
expected dialog is only shown after user action
  F6576785: 1548859202.png <https://phabricator.kde.org/F6576785>
  My suggestion:
  - For me are extra popups annoying. I would suggest to avoid them
  - Add some hint embedded to the Sonnet config dialog. IIRC I have seen in 
some config dialog a similar hint like these KTextEditor::Message, but I may 
  - Perhaps should the combobox shown an empty entry or an error hint instead 
of some (not expected) value
  - How about to emit the full message, not only the missed language? This way 
is no need to formulate everywhere an own error text
  - A patch to KTextEditor to show the hint as KTextEditor::Message when some 
spell check is requested

  R246 Sonnet


To: ahmadsamir, sandsmark, loh.tar
Cc: pino, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

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