ndavis added a comment.

  In D18940#411154 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D18940#411154>, @ngraham wrote:
  > So I guess this means some duplication between the Breeze icon theme and 
the Breeze Plasma theme for a while, right?
  Not 100%. I need to make a device icon for an uninterruptible power supply. I 
suppose I could add that to this diff, but it's not immediately necessary 
either. I'll get it done before 5.57 is tagged.
  > If we get this in before Frameworks 5.58, then Plasma 5.16 can depend on 
having them in the Breeze icon theme and maybe we can port the code to use 
these as icons from the icon theme rather than SVGs from the Plasma theme and 
then delete them from the Plasma theme. Baby steps...
  That's the idea, but moving Plasma theme icons into Breeze icons only has the 
potential to make the issues with color vs monochrome worse. I don't have a 
problem with continuing for now since it's highly unlikely that any of these 
icons will be used where we would want a color icon to go even though some of 
these are 32px.

  R266 Breeze Icons


To: ndavis, #vdg, hein
Cc: ngraham, filipf, trickyricky26, kde-frameworks-devel, hein, michaelh, bruns

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