ognarb added a comment.

  In D19557#428086 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D19557#428086>, @bruns wrote:
  > Is it intentional the PNG is 129x129 while the JPEG is 128x128?
  I have no idea why 129x129. I used `convert` to convert the svg to png, just 
like I did with the jpg. But I will investigate this issue
  > Also, the JPEG shold be removed.
  I'm not sure, but I think this will be a problem with some documentations 
where the html wasn't regenerated, because the html wasn't regenerated the 
image element will link to a deadlink.

  R238 KDocTools


To: ognarb, #vdg, #documentation
Cc: bruns, abetts, broulik, aacid, kde-frameworks-devel, kde-doc-english, 
gennad, michaelh, ngraham, skadinna

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