ngraham added a comment.

  In D19633#427965 <>, @ndavis wrote:
  > In D19633#427913 <>, @ngraham 
  > > Neat! Very helpful, thanks.
  > >
  > > While you're at it, do you think you could add a `window-unpin` icon too?
  > Yes, but I'm not sure if it should copy the style of the unpin button from 
the tilebar or if it should have a line through it like you suggested. I feel 
like the line is more clear, but less consistent. Maybe it's the titlebar 
button unpin that should be changed?
  Yeah, I kinda think the titlebar icon should look more like a toggle action 
such that a pinned window just gets a background circle and the symbol inverts. 
Regardless, we'd need a different style anyway for the proposed `window-unpin` 
icon since it's going to be used for a menu action where the title literally is 
"Unpin from Task Manager."

  R266 Breeze Icons


To: ndavis, #vdg
Cc: ngraham, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, bruns

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