bruns added a comment.

  In D20529#451147 <>, @bcooksley 
  > The Python installation on the CI nodes is most definitely complete (the CI 
Tooling itself used to perform the builds is written entirely in Python)
  > I'd therefore suggest that something isn't entirely right with how Python 
is being executed by the tests here... can we get the full command it's running?
  Honestly, **I** don't care why it fails, or if it works at all. I also have 
neither time nor means to debug this.
  #windows <>  - I will give this a 
timeframe of one month to get this fixed. If nothing has been submitted till 
then, I will disable the test for windows.

  R286 KFileMetaData


To: astippich, bruns
Cc: bcooksley, kde-frameworks-devel, #baloo, gennad, domson, ashaposhnikov, 
michaelh, astippich, spoorun, ngraham, bruns, abrahams

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