Clazy is complaining about missing assign operators.  Do we care?
If so, I can take a look at adding them or if anyone else wants to do that.

    line 305: for (it = vals.constBegin(); it != vals.constEnd(); ++it) {
    => Using assign operator but class 
QTypedArrayData<QSharedPointer<KCalCore::Incidence> >::const_iterator has 
copy-ctor but no assign operator

    line 161: for (it = attendees.begin(); it != attendees.end(); ++it) {
    => Using assign operator but class 
QTypedArrayData<QSharedPointer<KCalCore::Attendee> >::const_iterator has 
copy-ctor but no assign operator

    line 120: for (it = eventList.constBegin(); it != eventList.constEnd(); 
++it) {
    => Using assign operator but class 
QTypedArrayData<QSharedPointer<KCalCore::Event> >::const_iterator has copy-ctor 
but no assign operator
    line 299: for (it = periods.constBegin(); it != periods.constEnd(); ++it) {
    => Using assign operator but class 
QTypedArrayData<KCalCore::Period>::const_iterator has copy-ctor but no assign 

    line 628: for (atIt = attachments.constBegin(); atIt != 
attachments.constEnd(); ++atIt) {
    => Using assign operator but class 
QTypedArrayData<QSharedPointer<KCalCore::Attachment> >::const_iterator has 
copy-ctor but no assign operator

    line 493: begin = phase.transitions.cbegin();
    => Using assign operator but class 
QTypedArrayData<QDateTime>::const_iterator has copy-ctor but no assign operator

    line 513: for (it = d->mAttendees.constBegin(); it != 
d->mAttendees.constEnd(); ++it) {
    => Using assign operator but class 
QTypedArrayData<QSharedPointer<KCalCore::Attendee> >::const_iterator has 
copy-ctor but no assign operator
    line 530: for (itA = d->mAttendees.constBegin(); itA != 
d->mAttendees.constEnd(); ++itA) {
    => Using assign operator but class 
QTypedArrayData<QSharedPointer<KCalCore::Attendee> >::const_iterator has 
copy-ctor but no assign operator
    line 544: for (it = d->mAttendees.constBegin(); it != 
d->mAttendees.constEnd(); ++it) {
    => Using assign operator but class 
QTypedArrayData<QSharedPointer<KCalCore::Attendee> >::const_iterator has 
copy-ctor but no assign operator

    line 1603: for (eIt = d->mEventsRelate.constBegin(); eIt != 
d->mEventsRelate.constEnd(); ++eIt) {
    => Using assign operator but class 
QTypedArrayData<QSharedPointer<KCalCore::Event> >::const_iterator has copy-ctor 
but no assign operator
    line 1607: for (tIt = d->mTodosRelate.constBegin(); tIt != 
d->mTodosRelate.constEnd(); ++tIt) {
    => Using assign operator but class 
QTypedArrayData<QSharedPointer<KCalCore::Todo> >::const_iterator has copy-ctor 
but no assign operator

 Sunday, April 7, 2019 8:45:09 AM EDT Volker Krause wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to propose KCalCore for review to move from KDE PIM to KF5.
> KCalCore is an implementation of the iCalendar standard based on libical, 
> covering the data model, input/output and the rather complex recurrence 
> algorithms defined in that standard. It's used outside of KDE PIM as well, 
> e.g. by Zanshin or the Plasma Mobile calendar app.
> KCalCore depends on Qt and libical only, making it a Tier 1 functional 
> framework.
> KCalCore used to be part of part of kdepimlibs in the KDE4 era, so it's well 
> prepared for complying with the API and ABI guarantees.
> I'd suggest the same timeline as proposed for KContacts [1]. During the PIM 
> sprint we did a number of fixes and cleanups as part of the review for KF5 
> that make 19.08 the earliest release after which we can switch as well, so we 
> are looking at a switch in Sep/Oct this year.
> Thanks,
> Volker
> [1]

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