mweichselbaumer marked an inline comment as done.
mweichselbaumer added inline comments.


> drosca wrote in objectmanager.h:47
> I don't really like this class at all. This is implementation detail, and is 
> of no use for the users of the library, so it shouldn't be exported. On top 
> of it, there is actually no code, it is just interface class.
> Another issue here, although minor, is that the bluezqt_dbustypes.h is not 
> installed, so you can't use it. Yes, you could install it, but we don't need 
> it.
> As I can see, the only reason for this class is so you can pass it to 
> ObjectManagerAdaptor, but there are other ways to achieve the same thing 
> without adding `ObjectManager` and deriving from it in GattApplication. If we 
> really need it in generic way, we can do it later.
> Something like this would work:
>   ObjectManagerAdaptor(QObject *parent)
>   {
>       GattApplication *app = qobject_cast<GattApplication*>(parent);
>   }
>   DBusManagerStruct GetManagedObjects()
>   {
>       return app->d->getManagedObjects();
>   }
> Or for now just make it work only with GattApplication, as this is the only 
> one we have now.
> Yes, it will not work in the autotest, since you won't have the hook anymore, 
> but you can just remove that test.

I see your point and agree, that ObjectManager is solely used in 
Just letting you know, that we would need an ObjectManager for the mesh-api as 

Shall we then add constructors for appropriate types to ObjectManagerAdaptor 
(instead of exporting and inheriting from ObjectManager)?

  R269 BluezQt


To: mweichselbaumer, drosca
Cc: kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

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