Dear Ferencz,

  If you've got downloading working (that is, if you can initialise a 
KNSCore::Engine or KNewStuff::Button or the like with a knsrc file with the 
appropriate categories without an error), then your category should be working 
fine. If your category does not alredy exist on the KDE Store, you will need 
to request its creation by filing a task at the Store workoard[1].
  Another part of what you're encountering is a systemic issue in the KDE 
Store, which currently does not support upload through KNewStuff (in short: 
there was no way to control what did the uploading, and so it became a huge 
vector for spam and it had to be disabled). We need to work out ways of 
handling this, but for now i'm afraid upload is not going to work.
  On the note of insufficient documentation, please make note of the locations 
where the documentation is not good enough, and we can work on sorting that 
out. Basically, if you can give us some hints on what you're missing, we can 
get under way with fixing that deficiency :)
  Hope that's at least a bit useful...


On Wednesday, 5 June 2019 14:11:51 BST Ferencz Kovács wrote:
> Dear KDE Developers,
> I'm Ferencz Kovacs and I'm currently working on LabPlot for GSOC 2019. My
> project is here
> <
> view/>. I'm trying to use KNewStuff to upload and download some metadata
> files. For starters I wanted to try the UploadDialog, however I was faced
> with a problem. After a successful login I get this error message: "The
> server does not recognize the category Labplot_Datasets to which you are
> trying to upload." I followed the tutorial available here.
> <
> load> I tried to find out find out why was this problem happening, but the
> documentation isn't really helpful in this matter, it's not very profound.
> Then I started to analyze the source code of KNS3, in hope of finding an
> answer. The upload category names are read from the .knsrc config file
> here.
> <
> l?fbclid=IwAR0PriT1psbKulIUA6auilgjbp9O_C2_B-nvoF1GoqKQrJy43JqTBY6zYrg#l0011
> 2>The categories are gonna be loaded based on this, here
> <
> ?fbclid=IwAR0GCNbHX5wiDVSmn4vx2SFP_AyVDAJhFCxm5syjz8BeuZExk-hiMtu6OvM#l00341
> >. Then this
> <
> p_source.html?fbclid=IwAR1Xwhj8-fyVjk6QFZkv-JarQe7E6AhHW1gY7onzXPtv9_Tqz9JQ3
> eBL5Jo#l00107> function will be called. It's gonna check whether the
> category
> included/mentioned in the config file can be found among the ones loaded
> form the server: here.
> <
> p_source.html?fbclid=IwAR3a42r-F8ULH91rV2cLVRC_htr_4bkGXbFKli2jBhGluagstuMuu
> fly0RQ#l00126>If it can be found, then it's gonna be added to the valid
> categories. Here
> <
> l?fbclid=IwAR1Ae7diQAF0DZOrvoY9vxwAzr7Os66lw2HiFzhCh0U1PPxkSxSqRNVpIqU#l0056
> 7> the uplaodDialog checks whether there are any valid categories. Which
> apperantly there are not in my case, since I'm getting the Error message
> box from the previous function. Do you have any ideas why does this happen?
> Do I have to register the categories first somewhere? Thank you in advance.
> Every tip is more than welcome.
> Yours sincerely,
> Ferencz Kovacs

..dan / leinir..

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