ngraham added a comment.

  In D21907#484197 <>, @dhaumann wrote:
  > These two points were not discussed anymore:
  I addressed them in
  > 1. Isn't there a better solution by creating the folder and immediately 
select it + change to edit mode?
  Not really. The proposed behavior would need to be implemented in every 
single app rather than in KIO, because KIO doesn't know about the view that 
will hold the new file or folder that's being created. Even if we did do add 
view-specifric behavior to every app, then we would still have the problem here 
in KIO's new file/folder dialog, which is app- and view-agnostic. I think it's 
nicer to have it here in KIO, and have every app use the same component, rather 
than re-implement the same set of features in many places for different views.
  > 2. Resizing dialogs are usually not preferred.
  Yeah, I can understand this concern. In general I find that people get upset 
when the window or the window content changes when a KMessageWidget appears, 
which is a legitimate criticism. However this is a general problem with the 
KMessageWidget's visual design itself, not really with this specific patch. I 
would be in favor of making a "popover" version that shows the message in a 
little pop-up frame that doesn't resize the window or its content. GNOME and 
macOS do this and it's really quite nice.
  Of course someone would need to write that component. :)

  R241 KIO


To: ngraham, #vdg, #frameworks, shubham, filipf, meven
Cc: filipf, squeakypancakes, dhaumann, aacid, meven, kde-frameworks-devel, 
LeGast00n, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

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