ngraham added a comment.

  In D15739#485949 <>, @fvogt wrote:
  > I just noticed this in openQA runs from a live medium. There is no 
single-click way to get to the root directory anymore, as / is mounted as an 
overlayfs of a tmpfs and a squashfs container.
  > Not sure what the best way to improve this is, any idea?
  So there's no entry in the Devices section that goes to `/`?

  R241 KIO


To: meven, #dolphin, #vdg, tcanabrava, ngraham, elvisangelaccio
Cc: fvogt, meven, elvisangelaccio, Codezela, davidc, tcanabrava, ndavis, 
romangg, bruns, davidedmundson, abetts, svenmauch, broulik, acrouthamel, 
kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, michaelh, ngraham

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