poboiko added a comment.

  I've found a way to reproduce a related issue:
    $ mkdir ~/test
    $ balooctl config add includeFolders ~/test
    $ balooctl stop
    <make some changes with ~/test, i.e. add a tag>
    $ balooctl start
  This prints an error:
    replace called with invalid arguments, docId: <docid> url: "~/test/"
  The problem is the same: `DocumentUrlDB` returns a path without trailing 
slash, but `FilteredDirIterator` returns a path with one.
  `WriteTransaction` thinks the path has changed, tries to replace it, calls 
`DocumentUrlDB::replace`, which fails because it doesn't want to work with path 
which has trailing slash.
  In general, it's not a serious issue: we have problems only for folders that 
are inside `includeFolders`. If such folder wasn't renamed, then we don't care 
about DocUrlDB::replace failure anyway.
  If it was renamed, most likely it's not inside `includeFolders` anymore. 
However, we can do something like
    $ mkdir ~/test1
    $ mkdir ~/test2
    $ balooctl config add includeFolders ~/test{1,2}
    $ touch ~/test1/somefile
    $ balooctl stop
    $ rm -rf ~/test2
    $ mv ~/test2 ~/test1
    $ balooctl start
  the rename then gets silently ignored (file `somefile` doesn't pop up in 
searches; if we do `balooshow -x <docid>`, it returns an invalid path).

  R293 Baloo


To: poboiko, #frameworks, #baloo, bruns
Cc: kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, fbampaloukas, domson, ashaposhnikov, 
michaelh, astippich, spoorun, ngraham, bruns, abrahams

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