sitter added inline comments.


> broulik wrote in kbusyindicatorwidget.cpp:62
> Is that legal in the C++ standard allowed by frameworks?

Well, it builds at least under c++11 which is what kf5 is compatible with.

According to this page 
it should be fine (assuming the caveats mentioned are exhaustive anyway).

> kossebau wrote in kbusyindicatorwidget.h:40
> Any chance of getting some samples how this class is supposed to be used?
> Sounds one should show & hide the complete widget when needed? How to best 
> integrate in one's layout? As overlay?
> BTW, the KDE HIG does not mention such a spinner. So the purpose from a KDE 
> developer following the HIG raises a question with me wearing my naive hat :)

I am not sure there is a generally useful code sample to give here. Certainly 
not a helpful one.

  auto indicator = KBusyIndicatorWidget(this);
  auto label = QLabel("Busy watering the folowers", this);

Maybe this, but then I am not convinced of its usefulessness. That's just how 
one would use any widget ^^

You could overlay it on something, or HBox it next to a label, or add it as 
permanent widget to a StatusBar, or VBox it with something. Sky's the limit 

> broulik wrote in kbusyindicatorwidget.h:65
> I heard for good measure one should always re-implement the generic `event` 
> just in case

Do we have this document somewhere? That's the sort of thing that sounds like 
an urban myth someone started in the 90's ^^

  R236 KWidgetsAddons


To: sitter, cfeck
Cc: ngraham, kossebau, broulik, kde-frameworks-devel, apol, LeGast00n, 
michaelh, bruns

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