ngraham added a comment.

  In D23685#524935 <>, @ndavis wrote:
  > > Before, the red folder background made it instantly recognizable that the 
trash was full--even if this wasn't really an appropriate visual metaphor. I 
wonder if we could play with other effects to make the full state look more 
obvious at a glance. Ideas:
  > > 
  > > - Tint the can red
  > > - Add more stuff overflowing from the top, and maybe add some litter on 
the ground to
  > > - Color the overflowing stuff red
  > > - Move the lid that's on the ground so that we're looking at it head-on 
rather than from the side
  > > - Make the trashcan itself get fat like the classic mac OS 6 trashcan: 
F7310775: Screenshot_20190902_185108.png <>
  > I don't want to make the trash can get fat because I think that's ugly, 
unrealistic and harder to do.
  All right, let's scratch that. Maybe put a black trashbag on the ground on 
front of it? And add banana peels and buzzing flies! Make it really obvious 
that someone needs to take out the trash. :)
  > I just realized that the full icon is used when the trash has anything in 
it and not when it's full. Is this intentional?
  Yeah. The full state is used when there's anything at all in the trash, not 
when it's actually full.

  R266 Breeze Icons


To: ndavis, #vdg
Cc: ngraham, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, GB_2, michaelh, bruns

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