aacid added a comment.

  In D24245#539508 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D24245#539508>, @volkov wrote:
  > Without UnixFileDescriptor you could try to write
  >   int fd = ...
  >   Action action(...);
  >   action.addArgument(QStringLiteral("fd"), fd);
  > but then KAuth won't be able to detect that it'a file descriptor and will 
pass it to a helper as int.
  Would it make more sense to add a new function
  Action::addFileDescriptor(const QString &, int)?
  This way we don't have to expose UnixFileDescriptor to the world

  R283 KAuth


To: volkov, fvogt, chinmoyr, cfeck, #frameworks, security-team
Cc: aacid, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, GB_2, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

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