ndavis added a comment.

  In D24537#545451 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D24537#545451>, @kossebau wrote:
  > BTW, when it come to weather status icon, I dream of the possibility to 
simply compose the current status from base elements, instead of having 
pre-rendered icons.
  > So there would be iconic elements for "cloud", "rain cloud", "snow cloud" 
etc. as well as  "sun" & "moon" (later could be even rendered to match moon 
phase). And those would be composed on drawing :)
  I think plasmashell can do that already, but it's just not any better than 
making an icon for every state. You'd have to move the elements around the 
screen in the code to keep them all visible, but you'd be showing basically the 
same thing that we already show with pre-made icons.
  > Even more cool would be the option to animate all those, e.g. on status 
change :) That's what QtQuick is for, pre-rendered icons are so 1980 :) (edit: 
actually, even then things would be composed & animated, hello C64 sprites : ) )
  That would be cool for some things and the weather widget might actually be a 
good place to use animated icons, but not for most things. It would just be 
distracting and make Plasma use significantly more resources.

  R266 Breeze Icons


To: cblack, #vdg, ndavis
Cc: vkrause, ndavis, kossebau, ngraham, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, GB_2, 
michaelh, bruns

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