mgallien added a comment.

  In D24598#546135 <>, @astippich 
  > I have no intention on taking over D12992 
<> as I would like rather like to code for 
Elisa. I am no designer.
  >  I was unsatisfied with the icon and @mgallien agreed on some slight 
adjustments to the current one.
  >  D12992 <> has been around for ages. I 
hope that this incremental update can be agreed upon faster and land for next 
frameworks release. Especially I find the "Elisa" text ugly and worth removing 
it quickly.
  I am in support of the work that is done here. Thanks @astippich

  R266 Breeze Icons


To: astippich, #vdg, ngraham, mgallien
Cc: GB_2, kde-frameworks-devel, stuartm, daerny, mfraser, mnesbitt, LeGast00n, 
carneirogustavo, jguidon, ctakano, Tizon, oussemabouaneni, ashwind, 
fbampaloukas, sourabhboss, aureliencouderc, tgraves, hantzv, lcmscheid, 
nhuisman, ursjoss, mykolak, jussiv, michaelh, astippich, James, ngraham, bruns, 
kmf, lemuel, mgallien

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