vkrause added a comment.

  In D24588#546229 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D24588#546229>, @dfaure wrote:
  > Hmm, why not just do `KSslErrorUiData uiData(socket);` in the caller, or 
even just `askIgnoreSslErrors(KSslErrorUiData(socket), storedRules)`.
  >  Don't know, just wondering (not objecting). @vkrause, any opinion?
  That would be my gut feeling as well, ie. have sslui depend on the abstract 
error representation, not on all possible error sources. OTOH it's not changing 
the dependency situation overall here so no strong objection to that either. In 
any case the KTcpSocket variant should be deprecated eventually.

  R241 KIO


To: ahmadsamir, dfaure, vkrause
Cc: kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, GB_2, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

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