ndavis added a comment.

  In D25015#560498 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D25015#560498>, @niccolove 
  > In D25015#559344 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D25015#559344>, @filipf wrote:
  > > I'd prefer the shadows to have equal strength all around, I couldn't get 
used to weaker shadows in the corners.
  > Oh! That's a pity, I really liked them. I will update it as soon as I have 
  > In D25015#559687 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D25015#559687>, @ngraham 
  > > Ah, pixel-perfect before-and-after images make it much easier to see. I 
will reiterate my belief that the shadows now need to be bigger if we're going 
to make them lighter and weaker.
  > Uhm, I will try something and get back to you.
  > In D25015#559765 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D25015#559765>, @ndavis wrote:
  > > Rather than painstakingly making shadows by hand in Inkscape, perhaps we 
should be using KWin for the shadows?
  > Remember that there are third party desktop themes with SVG that we 
probably want to support. Wouldn't using KWin for shadows break those?
  If we remove the code for using those SVG shadows, it won't break them in the 
sense that they will stop working. It'll just mean those parts of the desktop 
themes won't be used. I suppose that could be seen as a form of visual breakage.
  For complete theme sets, this shouldn't be such a problem since they also 
typically come with their own window decorations and recommend a specific 
widget style. For people who just want to get rid of the shadows we should 
probably provide an option somewhere to disable them rather than making them 
edit the plasma theme. I suppose we could wait until Plasma 6 to make that kind 
of change, but that's a ways away.
  Regardless of the method we use to achieve it (including continuing to use 
SVGs), I think it might be best to make Plasmashell's shadows match the shadows 
cast by menus (such as context menus) in applications. These are defined in the 
Breeze widget style and have different sizes to match the different window 
shadow sizes.

  R242 Plasma Framework (Library)


To: niccolove, #vdg
Cc: ndavis, manueljlin, ngraham, filipf, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, GB_2, 
michaelh, bruns

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