On 11/11/19 22:52, Luigi Toscano wrote:
> Hi,
> basically all Frameworks components reference the ECM website
> using the old projects.kde.org URL, which is long gone and
> it is just a (partial) redirect.
> See for example:
> set_package_properties(ECM PROPERTIES TYPE REQUIRED
>     DESCRIPTION "Extra CMake Modules."
>     URL "https://projects.kde.org/projects/kdesupport/extra-cmake-modules";)
> Can I go around a bulk-replace all the URLs with
> https://commits.kde.org/extra-cmake-modules, so that it would look like:
> set_package_properties(ECM PROPERTIES TYPE REQUIRED
>     DESCRIPTION "Extra CMake Modules."
>     URL "https://commits.kde.org/extra-cmake-modules";)


Using commits.kde.org like this feels weird though (i.e. using it
without a commit hash).

Something like https://code.kde.org/extra-cmake-modules would look much
better imho.

Just my 2c, maybe something that could be done after the move to gitlab.

> There are few additional URLs which use the old website and I would replace
> them as well using the same pattern.
> I'm asking to avoid ~70 almost-identical review requests.
> Ciao


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