meven added a subscriber: dfaure.
meven added a comment.

  In D22801#561989 <>, @rjvbb wrote:
  > Are you not seeing these for instance when browsing an MSWin share in 
Dolphin (with the same or newer versions of kio-extras, Samba and MSWin)?ç
  I don't have a samba (or MS) share available currently, unfortunately I can't 
test, but I might later.
  > I tried to figure out where they came from but failed because of the async 
nature of the chain of events. I presume the empty paths come from the smb KIO 
plugin and then somehow make it to where the warning is printed.
  I would suggest adding a dumb qDebug() appriopriately or panic whenever 
findByPath is called with an emtpy path.
  In `previewjob.cpp` What was `PreviewJobPrivate` `KFileItemList initialItems` 
when this happened ?
  >   I also considered that findByPath() already accepts non-existing 
ppathsaths and handles them appropriately, it could (and probably should) do 
the same with an empty path.
  I disagree since it will change the current precondition of the function for 
the need of one of its users.
  A warning is an explicit indication that assumption made writing the code are 
broken either because they are overstepped or were too limited when writing the 
  findPath is documented as :
     * Find the mountpoint on which resides @p path
     * For instance if /home is a separate partition, 
     * will return /home
     * @param path the path to check
     * @return the mount point of the given file
    Ptr findByPath(const QString &path) const;
  It makes no sense to check the mountpoint of an empty path that by essence 
cannot be a file.
  This might hide others bugs elsewhere.
  > Regardless of the fact that the smb plugin probaby shouldn't output empty 
paths; maybe the maintainer(s) of that software should be CC'ed here?
  KIO is an old code-base and is maintained collectively mostly (with a single 
main maintainer @dfaure), we need to use our own wits.
  Btw do you use a samba mount(/etc/fstab defined or `mount -t smb`) or the 
`smb://` ioslave ? You must mean the `smb://` ioslave with `smb plugin`.
  In which case we might want to check the samba kio-extras code as well, in 
particular `SMBSlave::listDir` that returns the files contained in a folder.
  Does it returns files with empty urls ?

  R241 KIO


To: rjvbb, #frameworks
Cc: dfaure, meven, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, GB_2, michaelh, ngraham, 

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