Ouch sorry about that! Won't be able to work on it before tomorrow afternoon at 
best. Feel free to revert if you think it's best and I can work on an updated 

On Dec 13, 2019, 21:49, at 21:49, David Faure <nore...@code.kde.org> wrote:
>dfaure added a comment.
>  It *also* broke Windows compilation:
>WindowsMSVCQt5.13\src\lib\io\kautosavefile.cpp(79): error C2065:
>'NAME_MAX': undeclared identifier
>  R244 KCoreAddons
>  https://phabricator.kde.org/D24489
>To: mardelle, #frameworks, dfaure, mpyne
>Cc: ahmadsamir, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, GB_2, michaelh,
>ngraham, bruns

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