On Tuesday, 24. April 2007, David Southwell wrote:
> On Monday 23 April 2007 12:17:14 Michael Nottebrock wrote:
> > On Monday, 23. April 2007, David Southwell wrote:
> > > Hi
> > >
> > > A couple of us have posted reports to the kde-pim list about peculiar
> > > kmail crashes and not received any replies.
> > >
> > > The crashes are frequent and peculiar resulting in a total freeze of
> > > the X-window and necessitating ctl-alt-backspace to force logout  In my
> > > case the crashes seem to be occuring more frequently in particular
> > > folders e.g. on that carries traffic from [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I
> > > am wondering if there is a bug in filter system that results in lack of
> > > syncronicity mails listed as present in a folder and those actually
> > > accesible from the folder.
> >
> > Could it be http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=126715? The current
> > kdepim3 ports doesn't include the patches referenced in this bug report.
> >
> > Cheers,
> Thanks for getting back to me. From reading that bug report it looks as
> though this is the same bug.
> Is there any likliehood of kdepim3 be upgraded to include the fix or should
> I try and apply the patch. If the latter I need some detailed instructions 
> as I am not familiar with the process.

I will try and prepare a patchset for you to check out, but it might take 
another day or two before I get around to do it.

   ,_,   | Michael Nottebrock               | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 (/^ ^\) | FreeBSD - The Power to Serve     | http://www.freebsd.org
   \u/   | K Desktop Environment on FreeBSD | http://freebsd.kde.org

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