On Fri, 2007-05-25 at 09:58 +0300, Andy Fawcett wrote:
> Hi Joe,
> On Thursday 24 May 2007 20:02:41 Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
> > I'm trying to build kde3 on my amd64 machine running very recent
> >
> > FreeBSD lasagna.marcuscom.com 7.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 7.0-CURRENT #13: Tue
> > May 22 23:48:10 EDT 2007
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/LASAGNA  amd64
> >
> > And I get this error:
> >
> > http://www.marcuscom.com/downloads/kde3_build.txt
> >
> > This machine was pristine in terms of ports.  I first installed GNOME,
> > then when for kde3.  My make.conf can be found at:
> >
> > http://www.marcuscom.com/downloads/LASAGNA_make.conf
> >
> > But since this error deals with an internal g++ header, it makes me
> > think that perhaps ordering or compiler flags is tripping this up.  I
> > looked through the mailing list archives, but didn't see anything.
> > Pointyhat has not built koffice yet.
> I've not seen this problem reported elsewhere, but unfortunately my -CURRENT 
> box is out of action at the moment (hardware failure) and I don't know when 
> I'll be able to check this out further.
> I took a look at the code area that triggered this error in koffice, but I 
> can't see anything obvious that would cause it. Then again, my C++ foo is not 
> so strong...

I found the problem.  It's in tiffio.h (part of graphics/tiff).  In this
header, we find the following:

#ifndef NULL
# define NULL   (void *)0

This trips up g++ which wants NULL to be (0L).  A workaround is to
include stdio.h just before tiffio.h in
koffice-1.6.2/filters/krita/tiff/kis_tiff_reader.h.  A better solution
would be to adapt sys/_null.h in tiffio.h, but it may be easier to
convince KDE to make sure NULL is defined before including tiffio.h.


> Andy
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