On Sunday 18 May 2008 13:48:29 Adriaan de Groot wrote:
> On Sunday 18 May 2008 12:41, David Naylor wrote:
> > Who is the porting coordinator for porting kde4 to freebsd and who should
> > one speak to if one has some contributions to make?
> Based on "who's doing the work" those would be miwi, david johnson and
> lofi. Generally posting things to this list is enough -- constructive
> things, that is. Patches, etc. There's a separate cvs repo (I can never
> remember where it is, I think it's documented on the freebsd.kde.org
> website) with KDE4 ports experiments. Patches for the fbsd.k.o website can
> be sent here or to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thank you for your quick responce.   When some patches emerge I'll post them 
here :-).  

> [ade]


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