Am Donnerstag 31 Juli 2008 19:30:38 schrieb Andy Fawcett:
> Hi,
> I've updated the website ( with a few things.
> 1. Added Martin (miwi) and Max (makc) to the list of current
> maintainers. They truly deserve credit for the immense amount of work
> they've done for KDE 4.
> 2. Added a news item to let people know what's happening, and
> pointing them to the FreeBSD wiki page with testing instructions
> 3. Created the first KDE 4 screenie. I'll add more if people send
> them to me. Particularly once we have the localization support ports
> in place
> :)
> One thing I was discussing with miwi was the need for improving the
> site content. First on the list will be something about HAL, but I'm
> open for other suggestions and even articles.
> Andy (tap)

+1 from me. 

It is important to communicate progress to users so they dont get 
frustrated ;)
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