On Wednesday 20 August 2008 08:53:52 pm David Johnson wrote:
> On Saturday 16 August 2008 03:20:41 pm David Schultz wrote:
> > I looked at the kcalc source, and the whole thing is so broken
> > that you are better off just turning off HAVE_L_FUNCS regardless
> > of anything. KCalc casts the input and output of each libm
> > function it calls to double precision even if it's calling the
> > long double version. This means that it actually achieves *worse*
> > accuracy by using the long double functions, due to rounding twice.
> I'm going to *try* to get that stuff out of kcalc. It may take a while
> however.

Hmmm, it's not going to be as hard as I thought. There's not much that uses 
that macro, and many of the defines dependent on it aren't even being used.

David Johnson
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