I posted this a couple of days ago to freebsd-quesions, but just realized I
might have more luck here...

I'm trying to implement SSO using Samba-3.2.4 with an LDAP backend.  The 
intent is to use ldap directly for FBSD clients and Samba for MS Windows 
clients.  I'm currently working on the ldap part

The LDAP server (openldap 2.4.11) is running on a FBSD 6.3 server and is 
setup and seems to be working fine, I can log in locally or through SSH 
using the ldap accounts.

I'm working on the first client which is a FBSD 7.1 / KDE 3.5.10 machine.  I
can use ldap to login on this machine, but I'm having issues with logging
in using kdm.  I can see all the users both from local files and from ldap, 
but I can't log in using either.  Even when kdm won't allow a login, I 
can <ctrl><alt><F8> and get a normal login shell and login with local or 
ldap accounts.  The ldap lines are included in my /etc/pam.d/kde file.

If I remove ldap from the nsswitch.conf file it will start working with 
local logins on kdm again.

I ran into a bug report from last summer that appears to still be open 
with exactly the same issue 

Does anyone know a workaround or have a patch for the issue?  I can 
provide config files and such if anyone thinks it might help.  

Is this something that is already fixed in KDE 4.2, so I've come up with my
excuse to upgrade?


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