On Friday 20 March 2009 14:35:17 Andrew Fawcett wrote:
> Hi,
> Once again the area51 repository will be moving. For some time, it
> has been running on a old slow system on the end of my consumer DSL.
> Thanks to Kris and Josh at pcbsd, we will soon be moving it to one of
> their servers. This has significantly more bandwidth, and we've
> already been looking at ways of making it more resilient.
> This will mean that the checkout URL will change, but for those of
> you with a checkout already, subversion handily lets you point it to
> the new location without needing to do another checkout.
> I'll send more details through later about the specific changes.

The move is now complete.

The repository is now located at:


This is the URL to use for anonymous access. If you already have a checkout 
from the old location, you can either delete it and check out from the new 
place, or run:

svn switch --relocate https://kf.athame.co.uk/kde-freebsd/ 

For committers, the access URL is https:/area51.pcbsd.org:444 and the existing 
authentication details should still work.

If anyone has any problems related to this move, please let me know.

Many thanks to Kris Moore and Josh Paetzel at PC-BSD for hosting our new repo, 
it's much appreciated!



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