On Thursday 02 April 2009 21:10:04 David Johnson wrote:
> On Thursday 02 April 2009 07:00:38 am David Naylor wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've been trying to get Qt4.5 to behave properly with libiconv and it
> > just doesn't.  My best understanding is that, under linux, glibc provides
> > all the iconv functionality and that, somehow, libiconv and glibc differ
> > in their implementation and thus it breaks Qt (or Qt handles them
> > differently).
> So which one is implemented incorrectly, libiconv or glibc? If Qt assumes
> glibc, which almost by definition means Linux only, then a bug should be
> filed with Nokia to turn off iconv support for all non-Linux systems.

I agree, any volunteers to file the bug?  (Or get them to support libiconv)

> I configure Qt with --no-iconv for exactly this reason.

Is there any functionality lost?  Do you see *any* square blocks after doing 

> > I cannot find anyone who has tried to compile Qt without glibc under
> > linux (or if Gentoo has managed to get Qt working under their version of
> > FreeBSD).
> >
> > I don't know if, or by how much, libiconv and glibc differ, perhaps
> > converters/iconv would work better than libiconv in replacing glibc?
> >
> > Does anyone know why Qt is failing to behave with libiconv?
> Dunno. I did spend some time looking at the source code, but didn't find
> anything noteworthy.
> Do we need iconv support? It seems that Qt is using it as a source of
> codecs rather than using its own. Are the Qt's supplied codecs sufficient
> that we don't need iconv?

I read somewhere that Qt switched over to using iconv somewhere around 4.3.  
Do they have a fallback (and what do they do under OSX and Windows).  Perhaps 
we should corner someone who does have the answers for us...

Other than PCH not working (couldn't find out why but not critical) Qt 4.5 
compiled fine for me.  I'll try again tomorrow with a stock area51/qt-4.5.  

I had one problem with qt4-linguest, patches not working properly, but that I 
can manage :-).  Once KDE 4.2.2 hits ports I'll see how that goes with Qt 

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