On Sunday 19 April 2009 07:43:22 David Johnson wrote:
> On Monday 13 April 2009 06:48:02 pm David Johnson wrote:
> > I'm still working in this area. It seems from your list that other ports
> > besides qt5-gui are having this problem. Have you identified their
> > differences from 4.4.3 that cause this?
> I've discovered that I can eliminate the qt3/qt4 conflict by adding the
> following line to the problem makefiles, before <bsd.port.pre.mk>:
> CONFIGURE_ARGS+=        -I../../include/Qt -I../../include

Assuming you are going to add this to bsd.qt.mk:
Not all source files are compiled two directories away from ./include, this 
shouldn't be a problem in practise since all the problem files are two 
directories away.  Unless gcc fails when -I points to an invalid directory?

> This puts the source dir's Qt include before anything else, so that a qt33
> installed to /usr/local will not interfere.

Assuming you are going to add this to bsd.qt.mk:
This works for all include files (common between qt33 and qt4*) except 
qassistantclient.h that is under ./include/QtAssistant and not ./include/Qt, 
again this shouldn't be a problem in practise.  

> So far I have made changes to qt4-gui, qt4-opengl and qt4-qvfb. I'm still
> going through all the ports though. If this fix is acceptable, I can commit
> tomorrow evening.

The other port I had a problem with when compiling with qt33 is www/qt4-webkit 
(and I didn't have any problems with x11-toolkit/qt4-gui).  This fix appears 
to be better and cleaner than mine.  

Look forward to your commits,


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