On Thursday 14 May 2009 03:50:56 Kent Stewart wrote:
> On Wednesday 13 May 2009 01:22:32 pm you wrote:
> > On Wednesday 13 May 2009 12:46:48 pm Kent Stewart wrote:
> > > It was a brand new system. Miwi pointed out last night that kde-4
> > > requires hal and dbus, which was not running. I enabled them in my
> > > rc.conf and that solved part of the problems. However, if I have
> > > multiple tasks running in their individual konsoles, each konsole seems
> > > to get 2 second, 100% shares. This makes using the machine very clunky
> > > and much slower.
> >
> > I can assure that this is not normal. But I'm not an expert so there's
> > not much I can do to help, other than to direct you to forums.kde.org.
> I went there and they pointed to a wiki on x and I went there. I added
> Section "ServerFlags"
>         Option "DontZoom" "True"
>         Option "DontZap" "False"
>         Option "AllowEmptyInput" "False"
>         Option "AutoAddDevices" "False"
> EndSection
> to my xorg.conf and the konsoles all shared. The Dont's were new and so was
> Allow...". I will have to see what happens after a few hours. I have
> thought things were fine too soon, too many times :). I also thought
> AllowEmptyInput was fixed with moused.

If this doesn't fix it:
Section Extensions
        Option "Composite" "Disable"

Then post your graphic card. My nvidia has been working 99% since 4.2.0. Seems 
to be a memory leak, that will crash plasma after 10-20 hours of use. I've 
built 4.2.3 now with debugging symbols, hoping to get something useful out of 
the crash.
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