2009/9/18 Cyrille Berger <cber...@cberger.net>:
> On Thursday 17 September 2009, Raphael Kubo da Costa wrote:
>> 2009/9/17 manolo valdes <nolis7...@gmail.com>:
>> > Hi Guys
>> >
>> > I'm trying to use kdevelop from trunk. but
>> > it use gdb 7 for debbuging
>> >
>> > so there is my question.
>> >
>> > there is someone that can port gdb 7 to FreeBSD.
>> >
>> > the one in the ports tree is to old for kdevelop 4.
>> > and saddly for me . i have not the skills to port it.
>> Are you sure about those version numbers? According to gdb's website
>> the latest released version is 6.8.
> Yes kdevelop4 gdb plugins relies on the unstable version of gdb (and has been
> doing so for a while).

Hmm, I see. Then in this case it is likely that's gdb will have to be
compiled manually.
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