On Wednesday 18 November 2009 12:27:27 David Bruce Naylor wrote:
> Hi,
> I've managed to get kdm to work nicely with our grub.  See attached for the
> patch.  This requires a 'special' menu.lst to support selecting next boot
>  OS and the BootManager option in kdmrc to be set to "GRUB".
> Sample file:
> # Important line, tells grub to use saved option to boot from
> default saved
> timeout 3
> title FreeBSD 8.0-i386
>         root (hd1,0,a)
>         kernel /boot/loader
>         # Set the default, for next boot, to 1
>         savedefault 1
> title FreeBSD 8.0-amd64
>         root (hd0,0,a)
>         kernel /boot/loader
>         # No need to set default as we are it
>         #savedefault
> # Windows Vista
> title Windows Vista
>         root (hd1,1)
>         makeactive
>         chainloader +1
>         # Set the default, for next boot, to 1
>         savedefault 1
> Make sure you run `grub-set-default 1` otherwise grub will bork when it
>  hits the savedefault line (since it cannot create files and expects one to
>  be there).
> Most of the linux distributions have a patched version of grub that allows
>  a difference (and easier) setup.  (The patch is called grub-0.97-once.) 
>  We could integrate that patch (and eliminate the need for this patch) but
>  I feel this way allows for greater flexibility.
> Outstanding task: teach kdm to read the defaults file to correctly get the
> next booting option (vs assuming the first one is the default).
> For those on amd64 an easy way to get grub to work is to install the i386
>  grub package (it doesn't have any dependencies beyond the base system). 
>  I'm currently running grub on amd64.
> Regards,
> David
Do you think you can make the patch flexible enough so that it still works on 
Linux? Could it be pushed upstream?
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